The leadership at EMH&T has a deep commitment to the firm’s clients, employees, and the communities we serve. EMH&T’s leadership is reflective of a professional firm deep with talent, expertise, and a genuine interest in our clients. This dynamic and talented group is truly engaged in every part of the business – from employee and client satisfaction to corporate growth. Their collaborative approach to being solution-oriented partners for our clients, combined with a phenomenal positive attitude, sets the tone for the rest of the firm. Meet our team.
Markets and Services
EMH&T provides professional services to a range of markets, which include: Local, State and Federal Government; Commercial and Industrial; Higher Education and K-12; Healthcare; Hospitality; Railroad (Class 1, Regional, Local Line Haul and Switching/Terminal); Residential; Utilities and Energy.
Our History
EMH&T was founded in 1926. Over the next several decades, the small upstart land survey firm has grown exponentially, as service disciplines were strategically added to meet clients’ needs. Today, In addition to land surveying and civil engineering, EMH&T offers planning and landscape architecture, transportation engineering, geographic information systems, environmental and cultural resources, construction services, infrastructure evaluation, urban design, and railroad engineering.

Let’s connect.
There’s an easy way to see how we can help. Let’s talk about it.